Thursday, 25 August 2011

Microsoft Talk

This week's lecture is interesting. Before the lecture, I was only aware of the use of SVG for static objects like company logos. Was not aware that it is capable of doing animation so the SVG girl demonstration was pretty cool to me. All in all, I think its a good demonstration of what HTML5 and CSS3 are capable of, adding on what had been covered by the workshop last week. And with the added capabilities they bring about, especially animation, it seems like the death of Flash is inevitable.

In other news, Steve Jobs has stepped down as CEO. Wonder how that will affect Apple in the long run...


  1. Wonder how that will affect Apple in the long run...

    I don't think Apple will survive more than 10 years without Jobs.

  2. You didn't learn a whole lot on Monday did you? ;-P

  3. haha, don't really know what to say leh. I mean, the cool HTML5 and CSS3 stuff were somewhat demonstrated in the HTML+CSS workshop. I felt the HTML5 element was pretty neat, so were some of the HTML5 demonstrations I've seen online, including Joshua's link of Ok Go's music video.

    Actually ya, I seem to recall only HTML5, CCS3, browser incompatibility issues, and some Microsoft publicity. I think lately Microsoft has been doing things right though, with Kinect, WM7, the GPU utilization for web browser content.
